CCG: Community CareGiver support and supervision project


The aim of the project is to develop, pilot and evaluate a framework for supervision for family health teams within a maternal and child health care in specific districts in KZN. This includes an evaluation of the impact of the supervision system on the quality of care given directly by CCGs in homes in the community.


Activities on the project started only in September 2014 due to delay in release of funds. However, all project activities are now completed.

  • Five family health teams were identified and an introductory workshop conducted.
  • A baseline survey was conducted including audio recorded observations of interactions at household level, and in-depth interviews with participating mothers and CCGs. A baseline report has been completed
  • A manuscript has been submitted relating to the baseline data and is currently under review.
  • Regular mentoring and support activities have been conducted with family health team leaders over a six month period
  • Final activities to handover the results to the DoH are underway. We are meeting with successful FHTs to share best practises so that these can be included in the final report and framework document.
  • A framework for supervision and support of CCGs within family health teams, together with supporting tools, is being developed.
  • A series of FGDs is has been conducted with CCGs and family health team leaders to evaluate the project
  • Analysis of the FGDs is completed and a final report is being prepared