Ntokozo Mntambo

Ntokozo is a researcher based at the Centre for Rural Health. She received a Master’s in Research Psychology from the University of KwaZulu Natal (Pietermaritzburg). She has worked on numerous projects in the fields of maternal and child health and health systems strengthening (Mental Health). She is currently a Research Manager on the Southern African Research Consortium for Mental Health Integration (SMHINT) Project.
Contact Details
- +27 (0)31 260 7610
- mntambo@ukzn.ac.za
Wilford, A., Phakathi, S., Haskins, L., Jama, N.A., Mntambo. N., & Horwood, C.M (2018).
Exploring the care provided to mothers and children by community health workers in South Africa: missed opportunities to provide comprehensive care. BMC public health, 18(1), 171.
Mugisha, J., Abdulmalik, J., Hanlon, C., Petersen, I., Lund, C., Upadhaya, N., Ahuja, S., Shidhaye, R., Mntambo, N., Alem, A., Gureje, O & Kigozi, F. (2017). Health systems context(s) for integrating mental health into primary health care in six Emerald countries: a situation analysis. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, Vol 11(7). DOI: 10.1186/s13033-016-0114-2
Horwood, C., Butler, L., Barker, P., Phakathi, S., Haskins, L., Grant, M., Mntambo, N., & Rollins, N. (2017). A continuous quality improvement intervention to improve the effectiveness of community health workers providing care to mothers and children: a cluster randomised controlled trial in South Africa. Human resources for health, 15(1), 39.
Grant, M., Wilford, A., Haskins, L., Phakathi, S., Mntambo, N., & Horwood, C. M. (2017). Trust of community health workers influences the acceptance of community-based maternal and child health services. African journal of primary health care & family medicine, 9(1), 1-8.
Haskins, L.J., Phakathi, S.P., Grant, M., Mntambo, N., Wilford, A., & Horwood, C.M. (2016). Fragmentation of maternal, child and HIV services: A missed opportunity to provide comprehensive care. African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine, Vol 8(1). DOI: 10.4102/phcfm.v8i1.1240
Zissette, S., Watt, M.H., Prose, N.S., Mntambo, N., Moshabela, M. (2016). “If you don’t take a stand for your life, who will help you?” Men’s engagement in HIV care in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, Vol 17(3), 265-273. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/men0000025