Dr One Selohilwe
Clinical Psychologist Consultant

Dr One Selohilwe, M. Soc Sci (Clinical Psychology), is the Project coordinator for PRIME (Programme for improving mental health care) South Africa based at the PRIME site in the Dr Kenneth Kaunda in the North-West province. Dr Selohilwe has played a central role in the development and evaluation of the lay counsellor delivered depression counselling intervention which is part of the PRIME-SA collaborative care model for integrated depression care at primary health care level and which is the focus of her PhD. She also provides technical support for the Mental health Integration Project (MhINT) which is scaling up the PRIME-SA model of task shared mental health services in PHC in KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga. Previously she worked as a clinical psychologist in a district hospital in a semi-rural setting where she pioneered psychological services.
Contact Details
- +27 (0)18 462 0521
- selohilwe@ukzn.ac.za
Bhana, A., Rathod, S.D., Selohilwe O., Kathree T. and Petersen I. (2017) Characteristics and correlates of alcohol consumption among adult chronic care patients in North West Province, South Africa. South Africa Medical Journal, 107(7)
Brooke-Sumner, C., Lund, C. Selohilwe O. and Petersen I. (2016). Community-based psychosocial rehabilitation for schizophrenia service users in the North-West Province of South Africa: A formative study. Social Work in Mental Health.
Bhana, A., Rathod, S.D., Selohilwe O., Kathree, T. and Petersen I. (2015). The validity of the Patient Health Questionnaire for screening depression in chronic care patients in primary health care in South Africa. BMC Psychiatry, 15
Kathree, T., Selohilwe O.M, Bhana, A. and Petersen I. (2014). Perceptions of postnatal depression and health care needs in a South African sample: the “mental” in maternal health care. BMC Women’s Health, 1(14)
Egbe, C.O., Brooke-Sumner, C., Kathree T., Selohilwe O., Thornicroft G and Petersen. (2014). Psychiatric stigma and discrimination in South Africa: perspectives from key stakeholders. BMC Psychiatry, 14(191)
Selohilwe, One. ‘Being a young black woman from Botswana in Durban’, in Rob Pattman and Sultan Khan (Eds.), Undressing Durban (Durban: Madiba Press, 2007), pp.82-84.
Govender, Subashini, and Selohilwe, One. ‘Two women researching (male) ‘gangsters’ in Newlands East’, in Rob Pattman and Sultan Khan (Eds.), Undressing Durban (Durban: Madiba Press, 2007), pp. 279-290.